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Wedeco Aquada UV system guide

The UV disinfection units made by Xylem under the Wedeco Aquada brand are a system that's tailor made for domestic applications. Having been around for the last 20 years and with very few changes made over that time, it's a testament to how well they were originally designed, built and marketed that the sheer volume of them that are installed and still operational in the world today. 

The Aquada Altima, Proxima & Maxima variants come with the following information to help you decide which one is most suitable for you. Here's a breakdown of what all the differences mean though.

Wedeco Aquada flow rates


  • Micro-computer controller - This means that instead of a simple LED showing you that power is going to the controller and the lamp is lit, the controller will now show a lamp-life countdown timer, show fault codes and emit a fault alarm when there's something wrong with the system. All those points are covered under the inclusion dots that follow.
  • Push button alarm/computer reset - The push button allows you to reset the countdown timer once you've install the new lamp (because they count down to 0 days) and defer any alarms that might be going off in the meantime.
  • Power connection for solenoid valve - The functionality to have a solenoid valve is included in the system (it won't come with a solenoid valve unless specifically ordered) but they can be retrofitted later if the need arises.
  • UV intensity monitor - Unlike the solenoid valve option, this is the physical UV sensor. It's a photodiode that measures the amount of 254nM light that gets through the fluid and is housed on the wall of the stainless steel reactor.
  • Digital UV intensity display - The UV sensor reading is calibrated to show a % readout on the controller. It will scroll between the days left counter and the UV intensity output. This will show several things including if your lamp is prematurely failing, if the water quality is changing (and the current effectiveness of the UV unit if that's the case) and if there is any fouling on the quartz sleeve (this is more important in hard water areas).

  • Here's that end section a little more clearly.

    Wedeco Aquada spec

    All in all, we would recommend the Wedeco Aquada Proxima UV system if in doubt. The extra functionality is useful, especially if you depend on the water as part of your drinking supply. The Wedeco Aquada Maxima systems are great as a commercial UV system, but the extra data that it gives is more useful if needed for logging purposes i.e. in a swimming pool.  

    Wedeco Aquada UV system

    You can find more details for the Wedeco Aquada UV systems on our website here.

    The O&M manual for the units is ready for download below. If you'd rather us send it to you in an email then feel free to contact us by email.

    Wedeco Aquada Manual Download




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