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  • How big is a UV unit?

    How big is a UV unit?

    It can sometimes be a little difficult to to imagine the size of a UV unit and while you'll see the dimensions of them on our product page, that's not always helpful and/or available on other websites. So how big are UV systems? The smallest are around the size of a shoe (an adult shoe if you want to be more specific) and the biggest ones are perhaps as big as a car. I would say "but not as heavy" but I'm pretty sure they would be once they're filled up with water. They're impressive to look with all the UV lamps that those systems use and like with all things in life, cable management is a must! 

    For the typical family home, the system will often be around the...

  • How bacteria reacts to UV light

    Ultraviolet (UV) light can be used in many different ways. However, we are only interested in the UV-C spectrum as that's what we use to mitigate bacteria growth in air and water treatments. Here, we will look at and explain exactly what UV light does to the bacteria during the air and water disinfection process.

    What is UV light?

    Ultraviolet (UV) light is just part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The word Ultraviolet is derived from the Latin word “ultra” which means beyond, and the colour violet, which is the last colour in the visible section of the electromagnetic spectrum. So Ultraviolet simply means the next thing after violet.

    Ultraviolet light is emitted by the sun in huge doses but is absorbed to the Earth's atmospehere to a large degree. However, recreating this type...

  • How does a UV unit work?

    UV Lights

    A UV disinfection system is used to treat unwanted microorganisms, primarily in water or air. I'll briefly describe the difference in how to two setups would operate and then cover the common ground between them. 

    UV technology

    UV systems have been known about and commercially viable for a good few decades now. We use Mercury vapour lamps to give off UV-C light at 254 Nm and the amount of UV power given off from the lamp is around a third of the total lamp output (the rest of the energy is used to produce heat and non-useful light). This type of light works against organic material because it disrupts a cells natural reproductive system. To explain it simply, where a cell will divide to reproduce, UV...

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