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  • GALAXIES Vol. II: wonders of the winter night skies

    As the days shorten and the darkness progressively eats away the light, an amazing transformation happens in the northern hemisphere skies. A lot of astronomers and stargazers prefer summertime to look up at the stars, probably because conditions are better and the brightest part of our own galaxy, the milky way is more visible, even with the naked eye. Although fainter, the ‘winter’ part of the milky way and the rest of the winter sky harbor countless unsuspected gems, if one knows how to find and capture them!
  • Natural Forest Regeneration at Wild Ennerdale

    Rachel Oakley is the partnerships manager for Wild Ennerdale, a place on the North West edge of the lake district where wilding is as much an ethos as it is a land management technique.

    Historically the lake district had very few forests but Wild Ennerdales fell side is dominated by a plantation originating with the forestry commission in 1920. A combination of natural forest regeneration and tree planting has allowed the area to diversify into broadleaf woodland. This new biodiversity creates resilience against disease, by preventing all of the trees from being wiped out at once, severe flooding and the consequences of the climate crisis.

    The area is also home to a herd of Galloway Cattle, who disturb the ground in a much different way to sheep, the...

  • Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation

    A quick guide to ultraviolet germicidal irradiation. 

    Firstly, the Wikipedia article about UVGI is really great if not a little in-depth. We're more interested water and air purification as our business has given us the experience to write with some authority on that part of the subject. 

    Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation is the method in which UV light (UV-C more specifically in this case) sterilises or inactivates micro-organisms. It does this by damaging the DNA in the cells making them unable to reproduce and effectively killing the organism.

    UV disinfection is used as a barrier treatment so unlike other treatments e.g. Chlorine disinfection in water treatment, UV has no risidual effects on the system it's used in. This has both positive and negative reprocussions that can be matched...

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